Before 2024


Research grant 

Neurocomputational model to remember: brain stimulation protocol to enhance memory in ageing 

(code  ANID INICIACIÓN 11241484 ), by  

Monica Otero

Scientific publication

Hypoexcitation and connectome disintegration via whole-brain semi-empirical modeling in neurodegeneration

Scientific publication

Dynamical irreversibility, high-order interactions, and whole-brain modeling of gamma oscillations

Lecture series

Young scientists talked about the neuroscience of psychiatric disorders, the aging of voice, brain stimulation therapies for cognitive impairment, and the vocal production in Francophone children

Behind the Paper 

GloCal brain health and open science: Bridging diversity gaps for better scientific models of brain health and dementia, opinion paper published in the research communities of Springer Nature 

Thesis supervision

Two reserch teams supervsed by Pavel Prado succesfully disserted at the Audiology and Speech Pathology Program, Universidad San Sebastian 


Scientific publication

The BrainLat project: A multimodal neuroimaging dataset of neurodegeneration from underrepresented backgrounds


Research grant

 Enhancing Biomarker Development through EEG Record Harmonization in Multicenter Studies for Neurodegenerative Diseases 

(code  USS-FIN-23-FAPE-09 ), by Pavel Prado 

Scientific publication

Emergent stability dynamics in the human brain connectome through the inclusion of high order interactions between coupled oscillators, by Monica Otero

PhD on Computational Biology

Monica Otero and Pavel Prado are  faculty members at the PhD program on Computational Biology,  


 School, Universidad San Sebastian


Journal editor

Kaoru Sakatani, Emi A Yuda, and Pavel Prado were editors of the research topic Application of Machine Learning in the Diagnosis of Dementia - Volume II, in Frontiers of Neurology 

Newspaper article

 Mental Health News Daily, from NewsRX, covers research conducted by Pavel Prado and Mónica Otero on EEG biomarkers for dementia (Novel advances in the characterization of dementia subtypes: from multi-feature classification to whole brain computational models)

Conference presentation

Pavel Prado co-authored a research paper on biomarkers of cognitive performance and cortical network connectivity presented at 11th World IBRO Congress of Neuroscience by Andre Gómez Lombardi

Conference presentation

Pavel Prado co-authored a research paper on multimodal mechanisms of social and non-social working memory in neurodegeneration presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference by Agustina Legaz

Conference presentation

Pavel Prado co-authored a research paper on hypoexcitation and connectome disintegration in neurodegeneration presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference by Carlos Coronel

Conference presentation

 Pavel Prado co-authored a research paper on gamma oscillations in neurodegeneration presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference by Josefina Cruzat


Research grant

Pavel Prado participated as co-investigator of the ANID Fondecyt grant  

Novel EEG Topography Analysis using Graph Signal Processing and Network Control Theory (PI: Alejandro Weinstein) 

Research grant

Pavel Prado participated as co-investigator  

investigator of the ANID Fondecyt grant  

Subject-specific representations of laryngeal motor control using low-order models of voice production (PI: Zañartu) 



Pavel Prado was appointed as an Associate Profesor at Universidad San Sebastián, Chile 

Newspaper article 

Decoding the Language of the Brain: A New Approach to the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Pavel Prado talked with Maria José Marconi about science and other topics 

Scientific publication 

DIVA meets EEG: Model Validation using Formant-Shift Reflex

Scientific publication 

Harmonized multi-metric and multicentric assessment of EEG source space connectivity for dementia characterization

Scientific publication 

Social and non-social working memory in neurodegeneration 

Outreach seminar

Knowledge generation and artificial intelligence: new Challenges for Research, by Andrea Leisewitz and Mónica Otero 

Scientific publication 

Model-based whole-brain perturbational landscape of neurodegenerative diseases 

Book Chapter 

 A pipeline for large-scale assessments of dementia EEG connectivity across multicentric settings  is part of the book   Methods for analyzing large neuroimaging datasets. 

Scientific publication 

 Source space connectomics of neurodegeneration: One-metric approach does not fit all 

Newspaper article 

Pavel Prado talked about the beneficts of silence and quite enviroments for mental health. Published in El Mercurio by Anna Nador

Scientific publication 

Temporal irreversibility of large-scale brain dynamics in Alzheimer's disease


Scientific publication

Novel advances in the characterization of dementia subtypes: from multi-feature classification to whole brain computational models, in Alzheimer's and Dementia  


Scientific publication

The EuroLaD-EEG consortium: Towards a global EEG platform for dementia, for seeking to reduce the regional impact of dementia, in Alzheimer's and Dementia  


Conference presentation

 Symposium Sensory and electric brain stimulation for neurorehabilitation: from mechanisms to clinical practice 


Pavel Prado joins the School of Audiology at USS

 The new position is started in November 2022


Scientific publication

 Genuine high-order interactions in brain networks and neurodegeneration, in  Neurobiology of Disease  


Conference presentation

Disruption of Predictive Mechanisms and Neural Dynamics in Schizophrenia, presented by Pavel Pradro at the National Congress of Psychology 


Newspaper article

Pavel Prado took part in the conversation How do art and creativity contribute to mental health? 

International School

Pavel Prado teached at  the International School on Neuroscience and Neurotecnology.  Neurotechnology Applications on Aging-Related Disorders 

Newspaper article

Computational neuroscience: the discipline that helps to dispel the brain function. A convesation with Mónica Otero

Newspaper article

Mónica Otero explains brain waves and how these rhythms are disturbed in disease

Radio program

Monica Otero gave an  interview to "Science of the future", from TXSPLUS

Newspaper article

Pavel Prado presented a selection of articles about different scientific topics, books, tv shows, and music

Conference organization

Mónica Otero was General Chair of the Day of Computation in Chile 2022


Jhony Mejia was awarded with the Second Place in the Poster Presentation Competition, Neural Conference, Neuroscience Roadmap Scholar, University of Alabama at Birmingham 

Conference presentation

Disruption of the temporal dynamic of the 40-Hz auditory steady-state responses in schizophrenia,  Annual Meeting of the OHBM  

Newspaper article 

Mónica Otero talks about the use of computational modelling to uncode brain function  

Scientific publication 

Lombard Effect in Individuals with Non-Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction: Impact on Acoustic, Aerodynamic, and Vocal Fold Vibratory Parameters 

EuroLAD-EEG Consortium 

Launch meeting of the EuroLAD-EEG Consortium April, 2022

Scientific publication 

Modelling neural entrainment and its persistence: influence of frequency of stimulation and phase at the stimulus offset

Scientific publication

 Allostatic interoceptive overload in frontotemporal dementia

Scientific publication 

Dementia ConnEEGtome: Towards multicentric harmonization of EEG connectivity in neurodegeneration


How do your pets perceive the world? 

This is talk for primary and secondary school students in which basic principles of perception are introduced. We will conduct a comparative aproach to the sensory systems of our pets. Connect and join us in this entertaining chat!

Returning to school after lockdown, did the educational challenges end in the era of post-Covid-19? 

Newspaper article published in "La Tercera", Chile, by Pavel Prado

Symposium of EEG biomarkers in dementia 

The symposium is organized by Alzheimer Association, ISTAART, LAC-CD and BrainLat 

Seminar How to develop medical technology from the academy?

As part of the seminar  

How to develop medical technology from the academy, Pavel Prado is giving the  talk Technology transfer in Biomedicine.

Pavel Prado is giving a talk at BrainLat

The talk is part of the seminars organized by BrainLat the last Friday of every month

Pavel Prado is a faculty member at BrainLat

The new position at the Latin-American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) begins on the first of April.

ANID awarded Mónica Otero with a postdoctoral research grant

The project is entitled Following the beat: Large scale brain network modelling of neuro-stimulation.

Pavel Prado is giving a talk at Speech and voice Workshop

The workshop is organized by University of Chile.

Pavel Prado is giving a talk at V ENFONO

The talk is entitled Measures for the detection of hearing loss and speech desorders. ENFONO is organized by Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez 


New publication

Chirp analyzer for estimating amplitude and latency of steady-state auditory envelope following responses

Lucía Zepeda is now MSc in Engineering Science (Biomedical Engineering) 

The thesis was entitled Anticipatory activity as predictor of corollary discharge in SQZ patientes.

Pavel Prado is giving a three-days seminar at PUCV

The seminar is entitled Speech processing and control of the vocal production, and it will be held from 25-27 August, 2020.

Mónica Otero is now a postdoctoral fellow at AC3E

Her PhD dissertation was entitled Entrainment and phase-dependent persistence of the EEG alpha oscillations: computational modeling and
empirical evidence.

USM makes technology to fight Covid-19

Developments incluide mask, ventilators, and  environmental monitoring information systems.


Building ventilators for patients with Covid-19

26 000 £ were collected to support Cuban Neuroscience Center in building ventilators, using designs that the international community has kindly made available for free (MIT Emergency Ventilator (E-Vent) Project

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic

All the health public information abut Covid-19 pandemic

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic

Last publications on Covid-19.

New publication

Monica Otero is first author of Persistence of EEG alpha entrainment depends on stimulus phase at offset.